The 3 point landing – I am flying low to the ground at around ‘one or two’ feet i raise the nose until the cowl intersects the horizon and close the throttle. All the above still applies and I keep the stick in to wind to arrest any drift all the way until the three wheels touch down. In a strong cross wind its quite usual to land with the into wind main wheel and tail wheel in a two pointer with the down wind wheel slowly making contact with the ground.

All the time though the stick is held back it must remain over and into the wind holding the into wind wing down. For me I prefer the 3 point landing as its normally a full stall landing and all 5300 pounds of aircraft is now down and below flying speed on all three wheels which is a safer place in  my opinion than teetering on the two wheels of the wheeler landing. However all this can be discussed and debated over a beer because as we always say “Any landing you walk away from is a good one”!  The real key to the three pointer is having the spacial awareness and the peripheral vision to be able to read the external visual cues that stop you flaring too high and raising the nose to much. All this however comes with practice, practice and then a little more practice…